Twenty two inches and counting! It's been snowing for two days now, and isn't expected to stop until tonight. When all said and done we should be looking at more than 2 feet. Well, I've come to this party prepared. A couple of 40's in the fridge should make for a good couple of days.
I've spent the past couple of days taking quite a few photos. My brother, his girlfriend and I went sledding yesterday. They walked, and I x-country skied to a hill near our house. I forgot how much it sucks to break trail.
I took a few photos of Hank, the 8 ball, and an apple. A few weeks ago, one of my friends and I decided that we would make a photo assignment for critique. It had to be obscure enough that we could each take assignment and put our own style to it. We decided on the fruit basket. Kinda odd, I know. The fruit basket has been painted in still life for hundreds of years. What better subject could you find than a fruit basket. Yesterday, I finally decided to complete the assignment. My style would traditionally follow something a bit more grim than the photos below.
I would generally let the fruit sit and rot for a few weeks and then photograph it. If you have seen my collection of dead and decaying items you would know what I mean. The fruit basket was a spur of the moment thing, and I had nothing dead. So apples in Nambe is what it came down to. I brought out the studio lights and this is what I came up with. It's not really a basket but it is fruit held in a container of sorts. As far as I'm concerned, it qualifies.
Today is another snow day, and who knows what kind of photos it will bring. I'm thinking some minimalist landscapes are in order. Hopefully I am able to get out of the driveway, or find something in the immediate area. We'll see what the day has to bring.
Love the sledding pic!